

Daemonisation cannot happen reliably until :ref:<https://github.com/aerosense-ai/data-gateway/issues/119>`_ is solved.

During the aerosense project, Balena has made it so convenient to shell in and manage sessions that it’s the only thing we’ve actually done.

However, this sometimes means babysitting the gateway and takes up time - that’s fine in the very early days, but if you are setting up a longer-term deployment of aerosense test rig) you should daemonise the gateway start command.

This basically means set the system up to:

  • start the gateway along with the rest of the OS on boot

  • restart the gateway program if it crashes

There are lots of ways of doing this but we strongly recommend using supervisord, which, as the name suggests, is a supervisor for daemonised processes.

Install supervisord on your system:

# Ensure you've got the latest version of supervisord installed
sudo apt-get install --update supervisord

Configure supervisord to (more info here) run the gateway as a daemonised service:


We’ve not actualy done this (see the warning above) but it should look very similar to this:

sudo gateway supervisord-conf >> /etc/supervisord.conf

Restarting your system, at this point, should start the gateway process at boot time.

You can use supervisorctl to check gateway status:

supervisorctl status AerosenseGateway

Similarly, you can stop and start the daemon with:

supervisorctl stop AerosenseGateway
supervisorctl start AerosenseGateway